Audio Communication Coder (ACC) is a new source/perceptual audio compression technology created at ATC Labs featuring low coding delay (less than 50 ms) and moderate system complexity, and benefits from other innovative design aspects making it suitable to satisfy.
The increased consumer expectation of higher voice/audio quality and new functionalities in mobile communication.
The pressures of operators who have strongly invested in 3G licenses and expect the corresponding return by offering consumers new services.

The low coding delay in ACC coding scheme enables to bridge the gap between speech and audio coding schemes. The ACC codec is capable of coding both music and speech signals with high quality unlike conventional speech codecs.
A Free encoder- decoder demo version is available for evaluation purpose with complete functionality download.

Features :

  • ACC is a mono / stereo audio codec.
  • ACC offers low end-to-end delay (less than 50 ms, for sampling frequencies between 32 kHz and 48 kHz) by minimizing the size of the transform, and look-ahead and bit-stream buffers.
  • ACC uses intra-frame coding strategies only, insuring high intrinsic error robustness, facilitating error concealment, providing high time resolution in bit stream access, and facilitating special effects such as fast-rewind and fast-forward play modes.
  • ACC allows instantaneous bitrate switching "on-the-fly" easing the operation in fast bandwidth changing environments.
  • ACC implements efficient bandwidth extension using ATC Labs proprietary technology : ABET

Applications :

  • Audio conferencing, digital telephony, VOIP based applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Digital media broadcasting
  • Portable Players

Licensing/Support :

  • Optimized codec library APIs available for Windows.
  • Decoder available for 16-bit fixed point implementation on ADSP and TI platform.
  • For Licensing Support Please Contact us
  • For details on implementations on other platforms please Contact us at

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